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100% Ownership

There is no doubt that the entire procedure to set up your business in Dubai could be confusing, but the perks are overwhelming compared to other countries. We at Rubik Consultancy are here to eliminate all the stress. Investors looking for a 100% ownership license with complete procedures and experienced guidance can contact our team or book a free consultation today.

With the latest amendment, foreigners are allowed to establish companies with 100% full ownership under Federal Decree-Law No. 26 of 2020, amending the requirements of Federal Law No. 2 of 2015 on Commercial Companies. The law removes the previous clause of having a Local Sponsor as a major Emirati shareholder or agent, thus providing full foreign ownership to non-Emiratis of all nationalities for onshore companies.

However, there is a requirement for a local agent in some cases. He will be a 0% partner in your business. Our experts can help you the exact requirements by understanding your requirements.

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